Dance performance

Post pandemic. Mid social distancing. DRITTER RAUM attempts to create a ‘Third Place’ within a theater space with a live audience. ‘Third Place’, a concept that defines the unique social structure of spaces designed for meeting and being with others outside of work or home that invites us to think about how these spaces may slowly be disappearing from our lives. Using contact improvisation, DRITTER RAUM explores meetings through this lens. It is a relaxed performance where the audience is invited into the performance space and encouraged to come and go as they wish.

More information here.

Concept: Laura Hicks
Performance: Caterina Mocciola, Mathilde Monfreux, Bryce Kasson, Andrew Wass, Alex Zampini, and Laura Hicks
Dramaturgie/ Outside Eye: Martin Nachbar
Lighting Design: Gregor Knüppel
Sound Design and Performance: Alex Zampini
Videography: Fanny Hagmeier and Pola Sell


RUNNERS (2022)
Dance performance

The run in the wheels of late capitalism is fading out. What follows, is a collaborative preparation of the ground for a sustainable future. Energy transition means retreating from fossil fuels and shifting more and more to regenerative sources of energy. The dance performance runners sets out to investigate how loops of exhaustion can be transformed and modulated as continuous processes of recalibration, regeneration and resourcing.

More information here.

concept & choreographie: hannah schillinger
performance & co-choreographie: ariane burghard, aaron lang, nikola allaire,
sophia obermeyer, suet wa tam, veronika heisig, valentina menz, yuchen xie
e-guitar / electronics: alex zampini
space / costume: louis caspar schmitt
lightdesign: vito walter
dramaturgy: katja wiegand
supervision: nik haffner & susanne vincenz
mentoring: meg stuart & anna nowicka


HIN.n.WEIS (2021)
Multidisciplinary dance performance

Concept / Choreography /Artistic Direction: Katarzyna Brzezinska
Dance / Performance / Voice & Text / Stage: Katarzyna Brzezinska
Dramaturgical Support / Mentoring: Edan Gorlicki
Music Composition: Alex Zampini
Production Management Support: Eva Kirchner
Light Design: Holger Guirisberger
Music Technical Support: Miriam Seifert / Tim Weseloh
Video Documentation: Imagofilm – Bodo Kaiser


Dance film

Water – Leonardo da Vinci called it ’the blood of the planet’. A group of people emerges from the water. They try to resist the current of the river and the stream of people in the city, but have to surrender to the flow and are washed ashore. On the shore, the stranded seek for hold and refuge. In the course of the film ‘against or with the flow’, ‘resistance and devotion’ manifest as a primal instinct, as a survival strategy.

More information here

Andrea Boll – direction & choreography
Peter Kadar – camera & editing
Chris Fawcett – steadicam operator
Ivan Blagajcevic, Andrea Boll, Chris de Feyter, Hella Immler, Emeric Rabot – dance
Alex Zampini – music
Nico Gutmann / unico film – producer
Cinedans – coproducer


IUMI (2019)
Dance performance

Based on the motif of an embrace, Matilda Bilberg and Jenna Hendry inquire how far apart intimacy and being private lie. Driven by a desire for closeness and connection, they carry and let themselves be carried through a journey of various sensations by attentively listening to the other‘s body and by exploring the boundary between “you” and “me”. This search for a tender equilibrium creates a fascinating intensity.
In close proximity to the audience, Matilda and Jenna take up contact with the spectators through an intimate gaze – offering them the opportunity to become aware of their own senses. In these current times of physical distancing, I U M I perfectly addresses the public’s need and desire for closeness and intimacy.

More information here.

Concept / Dance: Matilda Bilberg and Jenna Hendry
Dramaturgical advice / outside eye: Sabine Haß-Zimmermann
Music: Alex Zampini
Lightdesign: Maria Ros
Costume: Karen Petermann
Photo: Jonas Bilberg
Film: Peter Kadar

Performance project

Multidisciplinary performance

The adventurous 2-master “Hawila” is the vessel for nomadic performance project “Sailing City”, where dancers, musicians and installation artists create events in collaboration with climate scientists, activists and engineers.
“Sailing City” invites you to participate in a series of public events on the water and in the harbor areas, the ship being a platform for artistic explorations and debate.
As a prelude to performances, “Sailing City” host a series of labs and open workshops, establishing dialogue between artists, scientists, activists and local citizens. Within an artistic contexts, we take time to be inspired by, and to debate, paradoxes concerning lifestyle, climate, energy, and the ocean.

More information here.


Documentary film

Forty years after the Khmer rouge regime: Kim Hak, a young and talented Cambodian photographer looks for a new imaginary of his country. His career starts from some family pictures his mother hid underground before the war and retrieved just after the defeat of the Khmer rouge. Hak’s images will take us to a new Cambodia, far from stereotypes. Nhem Ein, as photographer enrolled in the Khemr rouge regime, took more than 14.000 mugshots of the Tuol Sleng prison victims. He’s trying to establish himself as entrepreneur of the socalled dark tourism. One of his ideas on how to profit from the thousands of genoside pictures will bitterly surprise us. Which image to choose to represent our own country? But, above all, what to do with it?